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04/16/21 5:15 PM

#2429 RE: BigT82 #2428

Yeah I hope so ADMP @ 15:19 did a penny step...

up on the 1 minute chart and paced a few hollow candles indicating maybe a change in the program it has been in...ALL my buys as I use 2 screens and trade off one while I can watch the 1 minute candle grow on my order being executed within the minute...and see the additional volume come in at the same time before the candle closes.....indicated a few k shares each time in with decimals and NOT Clean in whole like they should be....

Extra digit bologna thrown in the mix...I still think ADMP has a slew of news coming soon that will move us.....I would bet you a fine dinner no way we go 30 days under 1.00 as that 51 million dollar 1.11 offering buyer will step in as we inch closer to the deadline and near 1.00 to ruin the shorts parade........That is if news doesn't come first....

Lastly, 45 days to resubmit to FDA.....Hmmmm I would fire my secretary as If you are not adding or changing anything how long does it take to scan a copy of the old resubmission,make a few date changes etc and let it rip....unless there is more to the story....Kinda like april 6 2021 we settled the litigation matter.Had we had ER sooner we would not of been able to address that situation outstanding for discussion....So well played by ADMP for delaying ER.......and closing the matter in the 10K today..If you have the time read the whole 10k this weekend as I am going to read it over so I remember it well like TMDI...I am getting quite a bit of $$ into ADMP now.....

Thanks Roll