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Big Brother

04/17/21 11:42 AM


Nope, no clue at all. I'd love to see those shorting based on that article, thinking it's overvalued, get burnt hard, I'm sure both Peter Coker Jr and Sr have connections to Chinese fat cats who could burn em......that would be

Big Brother

04/19/21 12:34 PM


The shorts are working hard to bring down HWIN, but I think they could get burnt there, because they just dont understand how the OTC works, particularily newer issues.

Every year, for as long as I've been tracking new issues(almost 10 years now) there are usually a handful of companies that go public, that are not classified as 'shells' per se, but are essentially shell types or RM vehicles only.

The companies in these tickers, usually generate minimal revenue, or have minimul assets, and are often silly, like one was a Russian guy with a hot cart, and that one went to like $ the company itself is irrevelant, because that is not the end game for them.

They are essentially the OTCs version of a SPAC, they are used in mergers/acquisitions, with companies that are looking to go public, but dont want to go the S1 route, or merge with a company that is actually classified as a 'shell' company, as they offer more advantages/value to merging company vs a shell.

They are meant to be used in RM's, with companies that want a new, clean 'shell', that has never previously traded, not one that has an old failed company in them, with tons of old disgruntled bagholders, CDs, skelletons, etc.....and thats what these new issue shell types offer.

I'm able now to reconize most of these, the value in HWIN is not the deli itself, but in the merger possibilities, thats why speculators buy them.