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04/14/21 9:03 PM

#113895 RE: iron-eagle #113894

Maybe they fell victim to AI and that's why Bioamber is included in the Report. LOL finished that thought!


04/14/21 9:13 PM

#113898 RE: iron-eagle #113894

that's like 5 weeks ago, iron-eagle!


04/14/21 9:15 PM

#113899 RE: iron-eagle #113894

Hmmmm maybe that why pwc was authorized to do whatever it had to “in Canada , the US , and ELSEWHERE”

Strange because I was led to believe that the only thing that made this liquidation EXCEPTIONAL was that it was 3 corps in 2 countries (never mind that the very existence of ch 15 is to deal in a jurisdictional manner for companies having operation in more than one country )


04/14/21 9:58 PM

#113915 RE: iron-eagle #113894

Yep.....That was a very precise and accurate DD drop sir....Many thanks...That pretty much settles this...BIOAQ for the W !


04/15/21 7:00 AM

#113924 RE: iron-eagle #113894

Hey look, a document in 2021' with the name Bioamber on it.... Could someone please inform "Iron-Eagle" that the name "Bioamber" legally belongs to LCY ... along with the trademarks, patents & pretty much every other thing....