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04/14/21 6:16 AM

#45008 RE: surfstocks #44965

Yeah not going to argue that fact. It’s like when a ticker is hot and all of a sudden ASCM shows up on level 2. They’ll drive it right up just to crash it down, making money both ways. Some will claim it’s just their job to make a market but it sure smells like bs to me.

Dragon Lady

04/14/21 9:36 AM

#45033 RE: surfstocks #44965

Folks saying its because of the "flippers" or the companies' selling shares. Not it hit exactly .0599 and couldn't churn past it because they decided it wasn't going to crash it..along with a bunch of other tickers. And which ones...hmmmmm the highest mentions on Twitter, Stocktwits, Reddit etc.....its almost like they know which ones to pull this game on. They know its temporary but they make a killing and the consistent news will ratchet us up and most likely they will do the same every level up, their algos are getting smarter and dirtier.

Surf - it's 100% PROVEN BEYOND ANY DOUBT via numerous professional grade "studies" (academia) well made videos that can be found on Youtube by statistics pros and market pros etc (good enough for a court of law - if our corrupt Congress was not behind it and supporting it !) - that there is a 100% WHITE COLLAR CRIME CONSPIRACY as you described as "fall out from the Gamestop event and Reddit" and it's being perpetrated by hedge funds and Fraud Street as "retribution" against Joe Q. Public on the OTC and NASDAQ now !

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE - that people who watch these stocks 365 a yr - can SCAN 50 PLUS STOCKS and AT THE EXACT MOMENT IN TIME (literally laying their charts over the top of each other) and ON THE SAME DAY they ALL ALL as in 50 or 48 of them DROP AT THE SAME DECLINE ANGLE and SAME PERCENTAGES and ALL HAD PRE-MARKET trades ON THE OTC which does not or should not occur- but is a DAILY THING NOW since REDDIT and Gamestop = statistically impossible this is a "coincidence" and not conspiracy related by FRAUD STREET and a dozen or so dirty MM's who are one in the same as HEDGE FUNDS they all own/operate while "making markets" !!

BEYOND ANY DEBATE that "it" is "real" - a conspiracy to CRUSH any high flying stock benefiting the "little people" and harming the precious dirty hedge funds and MM market makers who are ONE IN THE SAME 90% of the time!

As you stated - we ALL SAW IT and SEE IT with our own eyes. ANYONE who has "watched" stocks and the OTC for at least 5 yrs or more KNOW this is a time w/o ANY PRECEDENT EVER SEEN IN HISTORY - you described thee DAILY PATTERN in perfect detail(s):

DAILY AM RIP DOWN - and it's coincident within micro seconds on ALL OTC "high fliers" from a previous few day period and once they "bump" up against some fictional "wall" !

THEN - a massive rip down done NOT BY HUMANS but 100% algo traded - using micro blocks front-running the Ask to notch it down continually- whatever goes up on the Ask a micro order as small as 100 shares appears a tick below it- and it's done until a massive rip down occurs !

THESE ARE FACTS PEOPLE - we're in a society corrupt beyond the wildest imaginations and computer tech is RUNNING FRAUD STREET and Congress is "in on it" as half of them are "FAMILY" who is on "FRAUD STREET" - just look at who in Congress is married to a HEDGE FUND RUNNER !

ALL THIS IS - is PAYBACK FOR FREE PEOPLE USING REDDIT and that they proved the LITTLE PERSON could break the back of a massive hedge fund - which they indeed did and did in spectacular fashion !

AS YOU SAY - IT WILL END and WILL REVERSE as we already saw after this last "cycle" where it was crushed back to approx 1 cent then RAPIDLY UPON COVERING OF THE NAKED SHORTING (and it's 100% NAKED SHORTED in violation of too many laws to count = SEC IS WORTHLESS and should be defunded and disbanded !) - it WILL REVERSE as they all do at some point in "each cycle" !