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04/14/21 10:19 AM

#362 RE: PennyStaIker #361

Company description update recently on OTC Markets. Includes the new website and mentions NanoLand and Adventures of Elements subsidiaries.


An early-stage venture holding company with a focus on biopharmaceutical, edutainment, nanotechnology, and agricultural developmental research enterprises which bring synergy and value to the company's current portfolio of cutting-edge subsidiaries. The Company intends to scale its existing operating enterprises through organic revenue growth, mergers, acquisitions, and strategic business relationships. Alchemy Creative Inc. anticipates expanding its national DNA internationally with investment into advanced innovations and select product branding opportunities. For more information visit the Company's website at http://www.AlehcmyCreativeCo.Com Subsidiaries: Adventures of Elements, NanoLand U.S.A., Inc