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04/17/21 3:53 AM

#2985 RE: Condors rugby #2983

selling worthless paper to idiots is not related, in any way, to "performance", & is more than enough proof, on its own, to lock up every lame ass SEC "employed" lawyer - 40,000 of the dumbasses get JD degrees, every year, in the US - just let your imagination entertain that fact, for 1.5 minutes
we are doing just fine with several test kits, all operating under EUA's, each of which have dropped in pricing from $30+/test, to under $4 - the Covid test kit market has now entered/exited all stages of business growth, in appx 12 months:
1) startup
2) growth
3) maturity
4) decline, which translates, loosely, into "no longer needed"

A much simpler, less, of everything about it, which is all negative, way of flushing cash down the toilet, is to go to Vegas & flush your cash down their toilets (using the "drinks are free" justification) directly after which may be the perfect moment to carry out the situation appropriate finale of placing a single .115 gr 9mm hollow point FMJ into the temple on the side of your head, behind the eye, using the dominate hand, to pull the trigger. Good Luck !