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GR8 Dad

04/13/21 7:06 PM

#22098 RE: findit #22097

I disagree with your opinion. However I hope that you're right.

The last share structure update was provided in 2003, 17 years ago.

Computershare was listed as their TA at that point in time 17 years ago. The fact of the matter is if the company is dark or defunct computer shares has no responsibility to update them. Especially if they were not getting paid.

During the darker or defunct period. This company could have sold an additional 5.87 billion shares. The total amount of authorised shares are there last filing.

Most likely what they did because it's what all people do When they own a dark or defunt company that there going to throw in the heap.

I own many freebies in the numbers just don't add up.