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04/12/21 7:27 PM

#220463 RE: Darryl_T #220456

<< All of it which would not be possible if KT had never came up with the idea of making spider silk with silkworms >>

NEWS FLASH: KBLB nor Kim came up with that idea.


04/12/21 7:55 PM

#220466 RE: Darryl_T #220456

“ All of it which would not be possible if KT had never came up with the idea of making spider silk with silkworms“

That happened years earlier...9 yrs ago, fraser had already put the holy grail of fibers in his hands...and then Kim went on an 8 yr search for a worm farm..SMH

Good thing he finally gave up and turned it over to spike le who got it done...

“ Has anyone suceeded other that KT? ”

Yes...fraser succeeded in creating spider silk...Kane succeeded in improving it...and le succeeded in setting up the worm farm, will succeed in mass producing it AND selling it...

Kim succeeded in filling his pockets with cash...