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04/12/21 9:04 AM

#15776 RE: tedpeele #15772

I agree and disagree.

I think the radio station is a great step. Nice addition. Unexpected.

But where I get worried is why they HAD to create the station.

We were told in Dec. that 450 units were in the warehouse ready to ship out . They were supposed to have homes soon. We were told that there was 3-5 million dollars of investment funding that was imminent. We were told that the Soundstr units were being deployed to test stations.

That is the last we heard about any progress on that front. The end. Done. No more.

Then we got RHL opening and they still don't have Soundstr installed there.

So the impression I got on the radio station, and this is how I would do it if I were in this situation, is that it wasn't being accepted how we all believed it would. The Soundstr device wasn't working like they said, or stations just didn't feel it was worth it. That it didn't work as advertised. Whatever.

So in turn what Zach did, and I would have too, is build a situation where he'll do it himself and PROOVE it works with his own station. Create the demand from the bottom up by doing it himself.

Again, I would have done the same thing myself being as stubborn, hard headed and determined as I am.

He can use the statistics from his own station to sell the units while profiting along the way.

Now I could just be guessing here. Just speculation. But that is just how it feels to me from what we have witnessed and heard over the last several months.

There is no reason to hide good news.

Maybe they are waiting on the OTCQB uplist.

Maybe there are PR's coming soon to blow this idea up.

I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.

I am glad to see any progress made and a radio station is pretty cool.