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04/09/21 4:05 PM

#370047 RE: stock_observer_77 #370044

Straw man. RW dumb-asses are in the deifying business.

The science literate crowd just recognizes a competent man, particularly when attempts are made to silence him by a comical junk science promoting asshole pushing disinfectants, light and 'playing it down.'

Electorate decided who to keep around.


04/09/21 4:06 PM

#370048 RE: stock_observer_77 #370044

People think Fauci is God

No, he's an epidemiologist by trade.

Whereas your all knowing cult demigod tRUMP is a moron by trade.


04/09/21 4:27 PM

#370053 RE: stock_observer_77 #370044

Really,,,,,How many presidents has he served, how many pandemics avoided or brought under control..

His mask statement back at the very beginning is all anyone one can really point go negative on...

Truth is if Trump had listened to him, we would be in a far better position death count wise and economically...

You know a society is doomed when so many will go against the right thing to do, and have such an impact, in such a serious situation.....They doom themselves and everyone else along with them.

Anything you are exceptionally good at or considered a professional? If so Dr Fauci would most likely listen to you about it....

Shame is most of the population are now Internet specialists..

You wanna fix the schools,,,Ask the teachers, listen to them, and get them what they need.......

Fauci is no god, but he is a professional and many a president and nations leader has listened to him,,,,,but one..