Wow. Well, like Cramer, once you are in bed with these guys you never leave the bed. You made it, so you lay in it. Trey may only be 23yo but he is brilliant in my opinion.
Trey has not changed his position for $AMC even after the interview. That tells me something.
GME is a similar situation. Wolf kept saying dilution with GME....
thinks folks are crazy for a very over valued stock. Yet did not mention Citadel or Robinhood one time..... not one thing about illegal stuff going on..... is he really with us? Hell no..... he's clearly for the HFs.
I truly think $AMC will get the squeeze. HFs walking a thin line right now.
Just my opinion.
No risk no gain...... don't bet the farm...... maybe a cow or shicken....
$AMC baby~!