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04/08/21 8:56 AM

#79227 RE: gerard711 #79226

I read the Tweet. Alonzo Pierce thinks he can get away with anything and obviously some folks intend to let him.

He signed his name to a Late Filing Notification submitted to OTCMarkets that said he would be filing what he called "its Quarterly Report ending December 31, 2020" on April 5th.

But President Pierce apparently forgot that it is an ANNUAL (not Quarterly) report and as such, subject to OTCMarkets rules can be granted a 15 day extension.

As has happened before he was made aware of his mistake ON THIS BOARD, and after he changed his pants and instead of issuing a corrected Late Filing Notification he posted a freaking TWEET, just like a little kid might do.

It's funny how he managed to ignore another issue presented here, perhaps because the answer is not so easy:
"What did they have to give GPL Ventures to get them to forego all of that debt and why didn't they answer that question in the press release?"

If he Tweets out an answer to that one please let me know....seems I may be the only one curious enough to ask.