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04/08/21 10:39 AM

#2890 RE: Shady outlook #2888

I have learnt that one should be very wary of making SP predictions, especially if these are ex-US companies. Usually ex-US need to show true market strength/sales to be taken seriously.

That said, from where we are, I would expect at least 10 on the positive news, then we would need to see approvals and purchasing commitments to see the price see another significant uptick, finally followed by the dollar value of sales.

Just to remind, covid is not going away, quite the opposite, global cases are rising very fast. Since the decline from the first peak of new daily cases of 845,516 new cases in a day on Jan 8th, to the low of 287,940 on Feb 22nd, new daily covid cases have now increased to 708,873, or 2.5 times the low on Feb 22nd, and looks to continue its rise.

Aside from Israel, the UK and now the US, and some small other nations (e.g. Seychelles) vaccine roll-out is slow. 20 of the EU member states are seeing surges in new cases with France, Germany and Italy recently re-introducing national lockdowns and other countries still under lockdowns.
Let us also not ignore Latin America and India. Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Chile and Mexico are in the top 25 countries by new cases. India itself is number one in the world with a recent staggaring surge in new daily cases and record high as of yesterday of 126,315 new cases. And since its low of 8,587 on Feb 1st, it has risen alarmingly to 15x that level now. Feel free to see the chart, quite frankly terrifying.

Global daily death rates of course follow a similar trend as the cases. 6,692 deaths on Feb 22nd to 12,045 on April 6th, or an 80% increase in daily deaths.

RDHL plans to have Topline data in 2.5 months. I assure by then Covid will most definitely still be with us, and if shown to be effective and approved (particularly if efficacious against multiple strains) should find itself as a key oral tool to reduce deaths and also perhaps to already be used in a proportion of more serious out-patients of at risk populations.