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04/08/21 9:36 AM

#9776 RE: lesgetrich #9775

In Eric Adams own words:

"Integrasyn which we think is a way to optimally manufacture cannabinoids at a very low cost. Integrasyn is flexible and able to produce A WIDE RANGE OF CANNABINOIDS. Integrasyn is designed to be an efficient, scalable, flexible and economical solution to produce cannabinoids with bio identical structures to those found in nature. While traditional biosynthesis and chemical synthesis focus on production of one cannabinoid from start to finish, the modular IntegraSynTM processes provide flexibility to shift production of one cannabinoid to a range of cannabinoids. This modular approach places less burden on the fermentation microbe and allows for the use of different enzymes and starting materials, leading to optimized yield, time and cost."

Sounds like they've found the cannabinoid holy grail.
He makes it sound like they can produce just about any cannabinoid they want cheaply, purely and quickly.
They should be screaming this from the mountain tops. Wonder why they aren't? Come on, we all know why...


04/08/21 12:33 PM

#9777 RE: lesgetrich #9775

They’ve scaled up and have buying customers bud. Sounds like they’re way out ahead of inmed on the biosynthesis front