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04/07/21 12:46 PM

#354677 RE: petemantx #354671

Thank you for that, Pete!


04/07/21 12:48 PM

#354678 RE: petemantx #354671

Thank you. Outstanding!


04/07/21 1:11 PM

#354684 RE: petemantx #354671

Both parts of this statement are untrue:

"Brilacidin has shown itself to be a master KILLER of viruses, to date the only drug that has shown this ability."

Many of your other statements are also somewhat contentious to say the least.


04/07/21 1:16 PM

#354685 RE: petemantx #354671

nice pete!!!!!!


04/07/21 1:18 PM

#354686 RE: petemantx #354671

Ty Pete, I really enjoy your post. Well done and thank you.


04/07/21 1:26 PM

#354688 RE: petemantx #354671

I remember I used to send these types of emails to friends and family I roped into CTIX.

The ABSSSI trial is going great!

Kevetrin looks like it cured a spleen lesion!

Uplist should come soon!

Looks like U of B will be funding a Kevetrin trial!

Don't be shaken by Mako and sell at $1.85.

Prurisol results should be great...they're likely holding back the interim look because it was great and they dont want to compromise the trial.

I just keep my investment ideas to myself now.



04/07/21 1:30 PM

#354690 RE: petemantx #354671

Mods.... Sticky this factual post please. Very well written stating facts!!!

To infinity and beyond!

04/07/21 1:41 PM

#354697 RE: petemantx #354671

one hopes the recipients are not overwhelmed by irrational exuberance and can think for themselves.

Good grief.


04/07/21 2:49 PM

#354710 RE: petemantx #354671

"We knew the trial was on hold until an OK was given to increase the days of dosing "

How did we know? I learned of it when the PR was issued. Did I miss something?


04/07/21 3:03 PM

#354713 RE: petemantx #354671

Nice presentation.

Brazil is a possibility to approve Emergency approval.

That country is in big COVID trouble.

Today's email boosted my spirits more than Monday's. I felt good aboput Monday's.

Thanks, Paul


04/07/21 7:00 PM

#354745 RE: petemantx #354671

"There were a couple of mind-boggling statements in this PR. The most thrilling was Leo stating “If Brilacidin goes on to realize its promise as a broad spectrum antiviral, the potential benefits to patients and shareholders for this drug would likely be greater than I or anyone could have ever imagined.”"

That is mind-boggling.
Here's the way the paragraph that included that statement began:
“An effective broad-spectrum antiviral is largely absent in medicine today,” commented Leo Ehrlich, Chief Executive Officer at Innovation Pharmaceuticals."

Maybe so.


04/07/21 8:03 PM

#354749 RE: petemantx #354671

"2. Brilacidin has shown itself to be a master KILLER of viruses, to date the only drug that has shown this ability."

Today's PR names the presentation:
“Brilacidin, a Host Defense Protein/Peptide Mimetic, Shows Potential as Broad Spectrum Inhibitor of Acutely Infectious Viruses”

From a medical standpoint is an Inhibitor of Acutely Infectious Viruses the same as a Killer of viruses?
Doesn't the former describe a prophylactic use of Brilacidin and the latter describe a treatment?


08/11/21 4:20 PM

#369980 RE: petemantx #354671

A West Africa man has died after contracting the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the man's death on
August 9 and said the "highly infectious disease" has the potential to "spread far and wide." This marks the first time the Marburg virus has ever been detected in Guinea, per the WHO.
According to the WHO, the man visited a local clinic to seek treatment, but his condition deteriorated quickly before his death. Researchers at Guinea's national hemorrhagic fever laboratory and the Institute Pasteur
in Senegal have confirmed the man's Marburg virus diagnosis. The WHO said the virus can be passed to people from fruit bats and is transmitted from one person to another through surfaces and bodily fluids.


10/05/21 8:10 AM

#377273 RE: petemantx #354671



10/05/21 8:26 AM

#377274 RE: petemantx #354671

we sit at almost 52 week lows....