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01/18/07 10:59 AM

#32457 RE: Renavatio #32453

I tend to agree with the gist of your post and base that on my personal conversations with both Paul and Ron. However, they are both smart enough to realize that it is in their best interests (both as shareholders and managers of PBLS) to have a higher share price and that said higher share price will only occur (i.e., a sustainable higher pps, not just a spike) when PBLS becomes fully reporting and transparent. When that is, well, that's the million dollar question, isn't it?

Regarding PR's, here's an excerpt from a recent letter that I sent to Paul and Ron:
Concerning press releases, it is obvious that until PBLS completes it filings with the SEC (to include audited financials), PR’s will have minimal, if any, positive effect on investor confidence as evidenced by changes in share price. If PBLS announced that it had acquired General Electric for shares of PBLS, I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of PBLS stock declined due to concerns regarding dilution! Thus, I’d like to outline an approach that can maximize the effectiveness of future PR’s and also provide a mechanism to support momentum in PBLS once it is listed on the OTCBB.

Hold off on releasing information via PR’s. When all appropriate materials have been completed and you are ready to submit the filing statements to the SEC, release a PR stating that you will not be releasing any more PR’s until you come out of the ‘quiet period’. This makes sense for two main reasons: First, it provides a signal to the investing community that something important is forthcoming without providing a ‘date certain’ that can potentially be missed, thus causing investor backlash. Secondly, and just as important, it will allow PBLS to withhold information so that it can be released at the most opportune time. As noted above, releasing PR’s before filing is a waste of time, money and effort and squanders a valuable resource (i.e., the information being released). As an analogy, think of the proto-typical sheriff of western lore. He only has so many bullets that he can use and thus he uses them wisely, saving them for the most opportune time. Likewise, your PR’s should not be wasted; they should be utilized to maximum effectiveness. After you have announced your new trading symbol and successful move to the OTCBB you can begin to judiciously release information via PR’s. As you know, there will be an initial surge of interest in PBLS upon listing on the OTCBB (whether it is positive will be determined by the financials, including share structure.) You will want to continue to support investor interest, confidence and momentum via the release of positive and –hopefully- exciting information. The goal is not to have a spike in the share price of PBLS stock, but to establish a higher base price for said stock that is sustainable and will thus provide a higher base for future price appreciations.


01/18/07 1:10 PM

#32467 RE: Renavatio #32453

Great post.