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Chili Verde

04/06/21 9:59 AM

#10842 RE: mte1955 #10841

I lucked out this time...was able to average down and then sold to finally recoup my original investment and then some...but it took well over a year for that to happen. I bought too high, thinking it was going to take off, sadly, this just seems to tease every once in a while. I am hopeful this takes off for good, but now that I'm playing on house money, I can be more patient. I'm not in it for the long haul, I'm ready for this to take off so that I can reap the rewards and move on. I just cannot get excited when it starts an insignificant rally, only to lose steam quickly...especially when it is way down from it's all-time high. Start a trend of all-time highs and then maybe that will be something for us to write home about.