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04/05/21 2:37 PM

#369570 RE: DragonBear #369567

After 10-14 days from the first vax, most of the protection is present. the numbers include people who contracted it right after vaccination and is still real high. Not really much to worry about a couple weeks after the first one. Virtually everyone here has got a shot that wants it, I got my second Moderna 5 weeks ago.

Mostly not much other than sore arms from most folks. The second one is the same for most, but I have a friend who got a rash on the arm and was slow to get back to full speed, but she is normally a very allergic person. A couple younger folks I know kind of got laid low for a couple days. But that is just anecdotal as most suffered no effects. Since I know two people who died, I would say that a few effects are much preferable to full-on covid.
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04/05/21 3:19 PM

#369571 RE: DragonBear #369567

The psychotic part is the wait between the vaccines.

Damn it I thought it was waiting to get the first shot.

I lied on the questions for the second shot. No, no and no.

No haven't been exposed to covid.

No I don't have covid.

No I am not pregnant. And why are you asking me this question?

Our vet sends us postcards when the rug rat and the cat are due for their vaxes.

As soon as the cat sees the crate all hell breaks loose.

Rug rat is having a spa day. I'd like to see that on video.
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04/05/21 3:32 PM

#369572 RE: DragonBear #369567

cool, cool... I got first shingle shot late last year. Never had a flu shot in my life but thinking about it now that I'm getting older.

My pooch went in for her boosters too. Then I brought her to a groomer I found and got a Freddy lecture on how my dog was going to get cancer now. Really nice woman though and very reasonable price, so I just nodded my head and went on with it.

She's got a few rooms in her house that she'd like to have upgraded too, so aside from the idiocy the barter system is still thriving... ;-)

Once I'm implanted with the chip I won't have a care in the world about who I interact with... and they can all go on with their bad selves.