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07/19/21 1:20 PM

#399 RE: barnyarddog #392

For a long time now, people have been viewing everything as positive. If the economy heats up, that's good for earnings. If Covid heats up, that's good for interest rates and the likelihood of massive government bailouts. At the same time, the Fed has been buying and buying and buying.

But what if all the narratives change? What if we start seeing the Delta variant as bad for business (both here and abroad)? And what if we see a hot economy as bad for interest rates, while the Fed finally stops its wild buying spree?

I've been over-weighted in cash for a long time. And I am heading even further in that direction.


08/21/21 8:47 AM

#405 RE: barnyarddog #392

8/20 Buying the dip at batshit-insanely priced all time highs – Zero Hedge

8/20 Half a trillion dollars wiped from China markets in a week on clampdowns – Reuters

8/21 Hindenburg omen flashes warning, as does Buffet indicator – CI