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04/01/21 11:36 PM

#15121 RE: epitap #15120

The VIX at the lowest I have seen in some time. S&P breaks 4k everything is rosy. Our borders are being overtaken by 18k migrants. An absolute train wreck. The most expensive day care on earth. Print print print away spend our way to oblivion. Personally I would not touch UVXY with a 10 foot pole. So glad I got out of this mess.


04/02/21 7:23 AM

#15122 RE: epitap #15120

The unofficial rulers of the United States is the Federal Reserve regardless of political party they don’t discriminate. Money Printers have more power then any puppet servant political party.
He who prints the money has all the power and that would be the unofficial ruler of our country the Federal Reserve.
Government can do nothing without the Private Fed they print all the stimulus money