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04/01/21 1:24 PM

#21664 RE: deathstarr #21616

You're drinking the kool-aid brother.

Stop listening to these CNBC fools.

Share authorization and share issuance are very different things.

WE DECIDE the market value.

Retail owns 87%+ of the shares here. Buying volume is in the 90% range regularly.


I'm assuming you knew before you got in that a squeeze was coming, I'm sure you understood that HUGE hedge funds are manipulating the stock price to cover for shares they sold into the market but never owned and are phantom dark pool data shares that don't need to be reported to FINRA.

Now the stock doesn't move right away and the HF do what WE EXPECTED them to, which is double and triple down even to try and recoup their investment.

This is of no surprise!!!

I encourage you to just chill out and trust the process. Im 20k deep in this atm, and I'm down. I did make a bunch on the run from $7.70-$14 where I recouped my investment but I bought back in heavy at $11 and a little more at $10.20.

I did this KNOWING I could still see some downward pressure.

I'd rather be in and not miss the move then wait for lower and possibly pay more later. A little drawdown in trading is completely common. If you choose to enter with too much capital that it makes you anxious and uncomfortable, maybe trading isn't your thing.

I've learned this the hard way and learned to mitigate my risk to maintain profitability.

I was super skeptical on entering AMC a month ago, but after seeing the exposure and data showing these HF messing with the stock price, It made it a no brainer.

Be calm!! Stay focused, understand the process and the goal here. Stop getting discouraged every time there is negative sentiment as it breeds more and for the love of god, Have fun with it!!! Cause its damn hilarious watching the L2 and it drop like this, cause before every single major squeeze in history, the dip happened before the rip. EVERY. DAMN. ONE!



04/01/21 2:45 PM

#21756 RE: deathstarr #21616

Why would the CEO mention anything remotely close about the squeeze?

Why does the CEO of the GME not mention anything about their squeeze?

If anyone of them, from either company mentions anything about the possibly of a short squeeze, they will be sued by the HFs who will IN FACT be losing billions as soon as they are margin called. The BEST THING both of these CEOs is stfu about a short squeeze and pivot away from loaded questions.


"Dilution is something we care about, but I will say we are formally asking approval from our shareholders to authorize another 500 million new shares that the company could issue if it wishes," Aron said.

Show me in that statement where he specifically says AMC will be adding 500M shares to their float? Go ahead, i’ll wait.

CNBC (In my opinion) PURPOSELY headlined a title incorrectly to create FUD.

Also, let’s not forget about this GEM from earlier today.

3B shares shorted. The number keeps increasing.

Even if they dropped all 500M shares on the market.. guess what.. it wouldn’t make a DDDDDDENT.