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03/31/21 9:11 PM

#13665 RE: gustavito #13664

Doesn't mean the GNBT vaccine won't be successful if it is safer, or more effective or provides longer lasting immunity than current options.

Toyota started building cars 30 years after Ford. Seemed to work out ok.
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03/31/21 9:24 PM

#13666 RE: gustavito #13664

If folks remember, GNBT has already gone through months of much more stringent testing that the other vaccines with "Emergency" approvals have not even come close to. That is a documented fact. Also, GNBT has been taking guidance from the FDA along the way. I thought I read somewhere on this board, due to the more stringent testing, that GNBT will not be required to have a high number of samples for the trials & that the trials may be run concurrently. Anyways, I may be wrong, but maybe our board expert, doc, can address that for the board. Regardless, to pull "pie-out-of-sky numbers" such as Feb 2022, would not be reasonable considering where GNBT is at currently IMHO. Hey, we may be later to the approval process than a few vaccines, but our vaccine, the "complete vaccine" has gone through much more stringent testing and is a potential game changer! One other thing to think about, most of our contracts, if not all our contracts, are with foreign country's such as China, Malaysia, and others. Maybe they saw the vast potential here long long ago. Also, as we all know, many foreign country's are behind the power curve when compared to the USA. Folks would love GNBT's product IMHO. Only time will tell. We also have our subsidiary, NGIO, up-listing to the NASDAQ coming to fruition hopefully soon. Much to look forward to here. GLTA!
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Jimmy Joe

04/01/21 2:41 AM

#13668 RE: gustavito #13664

Yeah right....

the vaccines already approved took 10 months, take the account, this is without any setback

So all of these vaccines took 10 months? Really? Where are you pulling that from? And without setbacks?

First misinformation.... Moderna and Pfizer took maybe 10 months max.....
and they were rushed into production..... no known long term studies were done.... we are the population currently under study, currently getting vaccinated. Still no known data out there to suggest how long these vaccines last..... nothing. And the setbacks may be the folks getting vaccinated. What are the long term effects? UNKNOWN~!

Second misinformation...... without setbacks? Really? Do much reading?
Pfizer has had problems in the past keeping their vaccines cold enough.
Should be interesting to see the logistics come the hot summer months. J&J just had 14 million doses of their vaccine botched in manufacturing. Astra Zeneca is having problems with their vaccine due to blood
clots........ Norway and Germany not using Astra's vaccine.

So why is it the big pharmas don't want a safer time tested alternative?
Could it be......MONEY THEY'LL miss out on? While their vaccines may not be the best? Is that why Generex didn't get BARDA money? "Gee Wally I never thought about that......" "It's okay Beaver."

Too many here trying to create F U D.

Makes me think things are cooking at Generex.......

PS-SLRs are done as of yesterday. No more supplemental loan ratios for hedge funds.... like one big margin call... LMMFAO~!
Today should be fun as lenders call in money.... and begin to liquidate assets more and more.