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03/29/21 11:04 PM

#155472 RE: Dieselpro #155464

I believe results not expectations. I've heard the same story spun by Nader so many times I'm dizzy. The dude has yet to produce on any of these EUA's. I mean he's been promising the HIV BLA for months. Nothing. Nader hasn't earned a lick of trust. So no, I see no floodgates, I see one person who is getting the drug. One person in an entire country after getting the go ahead over a month ago. Not a flood, not a trickle, barely a drip. If it picks up, then by all means it's a flood. But right now it's just more glow sticks for the Nader dance. He's been spinning his yarn for almost 10 years now. It's impressive to say the least but it's rapidly approaching the endpoint, and that's bankruptcy.


03/29/21 11:15 PM

#155477 RE: Dieselpro #155464

The only good results Cytodyn has ever gotten are implied. This one person gets the drug so that implies huge demand. The medical codes imply EUA. The delay for results implies good news. The mention of OWS implies funding. And on and on and on. Never, not once, NEVER has anything been 'this has happened' it's 'this implies' every single time. And the best part is that never ONCE has any of those implications come to fruition. It's just on to the next one before rotating back around when the list is exhausted. You heard even a broken clock is right sometimes. Well, the Cytodyn longs have NEVER been right. It almost defies logic. Until, of course, you listen to a Nader CC. The dude is a carnival barker selling dreams and he's been doing it so long he's got the system down to a science. That's the science I trust with Cytodyn, the ability to reel in new suckers when the old crew finally calls it quits. Enough implications, results or shut the hell up.