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03/29/21 11:03 PM

#323923 RE: 100% #323922

yeah ok but it is going down from heights., saying there is no way I would buy 1 share here until it bottom.

another thing, the rev cant not even cover the HUGE LOSES. THIS COMPANY IS SURVIVING BY DILUTION PERIOD.

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03/30/21 6:31 AM

#323924 RE: 100% #323922

Hemp Applications Seen As A "Sleeping Giant" .....

I post these hemp comments on the ERBB Board since American Green happens to own a prime location at Nipton to realize the first chapter of my grandiose hemp construction proposal ..... which you find in the last link .....

My advice to American Green !!! ..... Do not become "too sleepy" and minimize the profound value of the land and setting you own at Nipton ..... If you become lucky you may be able to partner with an exceptionally well-heeled interest with the incentive and desire to realize the type of hemp socially-conscious construction-materials operation I have proposed in raw terms .....

I have been advocating for the mandate of hemp plastics for decades ..... Curiously ..... always falling on deaf ears ..... though perhaps ..... the time for hemp has finally arrived ..... if President Biden is actually sincere about some of the "Big Issues" he proposes ..... like the "Green New Deal" ..... though one easily finds a multitude of other beneficial applications for hemp products .....

This first well-reasoned article provides an informed overview relative to "hempcrete" ..... as building blocks ..... since they are honest to include structural weight-bearing limitations of hemp compared to concrete ..... though I especially appreciate the touted acoustic and mold-resistant effects derived from hemp fiber use .....

The second presentation of hemp information opens promising doors for those with the capacity to "hear" .....

If the right people can get serious about digesting the information provided in the two links above and design practical plans for implementation in America ..... the planet as we know it today can change significantly in a positive direction for all generations to follow .....

It remains to be seen how resistant to change entrenched well-heeled "status-quo interests" might be !!! ..... A few might choose to "see the light" and go with the flow ..... From my perspective ..... if concerned people care about the future of their children ..... they will want to wake-up to new directions .....

I still like the multi-trillion dollar potential ..... hemp concept ..... I shared on this ERBB Investor's Board February 1, 2021 ..... since it contains the nucleus of a "potent social empowering component" .....

Best Wishes