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03/29/21 12:20 PM

#79478 RE: All-In-Nodge #79475

NO DEATHS?? That's NOT AT ALL what I read. Here's a Newsweek article on the subject:

Using WONDER, the CDC's VAERS database search tool, Newsweek gathered adverse report data specifically on deaths following a COVID vaccine from Moderna or Pfizer. It is important to note that our data contained VAERS reports processed as of February 26.

Newsweek selected only deaths as an adverse event, and selected the COVID vaccine as the only vaccine in the dataset. We specified Pfizer and Moderna as the vaccine manufacturers. We also chose our symptom onset interval as "All days," which ranges from 0 to over 120 days. We did not specify gender or age in the overall results. Our time frame ran from the earliest possible dates, "before 1990," to ensure every COVID vaccine was included.

Our VAERS result showed 970 people died after being given a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine shot. Of those deaths, 495 occurred following a Moderna shot, and 475 occurred following a Pfizer shot. Newsweek contacted Pfizer and Moderna for comment.

When they say Moderna is 95% effective, that 5% will show some symptoms but no hospitalization and no death


03/29/21 1:16 PM

#79487 RE: All-In-Nodge #79475

Better check astrazeneca as their vaccine in Europe was halted because it was less than 50% effective and

Last week claimed:

On Wednesday, it issued updated phase three trial data for its Covid-19 vaccine that showed its vaccine to be 76% effective.

So My Fellow Americans: 76% effective doesn't make me jump up and down.
OPTI has the iWand and other PPE which can help even if you get the shot.

No where have I ever said people should not take a shot. Just be aware of the facts of the company who produces the shot you take. I have stated several times their are risks involved with all vaccinations.

THE Good News is OPTI !!!!
NOW OPTI has a 10 - 15 second test which can detect if you have Covid and can help keep those with positive results isolated from others.