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05/21/21 1:16 PM

#11358 RE: nymphtyer #11307

The evil MM PAUL dropped the ask to 0.0115 (which is the Lowest ask most recently) today! 0.0114 x 0.0115 now!

Perhaps today is the best opportunity to buy an Huge STTH position at Dirt Cheap New basement price levels before this hidden gem explodes to 0.079 again...

Buying its Much-Much-Much-Much-Much-Higher-SS peer (SNVP) at 0.0035 = buying STTH at 0.149 which is 13.1 Times of current ridiculous low price 0.0114!

Thus STTH is Much Much Much Much Much Cheaper than TONR now!

Let's Slap out those Dirt Cheap shares at 0.0115 ASAP, folks here!