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03/29/21 8:04 AM

#2243 RE: Mother Lode #2242

Mother. Exactly. Just you wait. Next week. Next month. Next quarter. Next year. S O S. In Dec Dan ( Baby Zuk) told me. “ Just you wait til January. In January he said March. Now he’s saying May. Lol. WAFJ. Where’s the money? If nothing else. Where’s THEIR MONEY? It seems the new BoD are all pretty well off . And they tout their investment capabilities in their bios. Ok. Where is their millions of dollars they tout having ,to pay the auditors and set up a percentage of what we owe to the IRS in a payment plan? Where is it? Has a “offer in compromise” been made yet with the IRS ? If not. Why not? WHERE’S THEIR OWN MONEY? How many millions of dollars have they put up? Them investing a few million dollars is what we need to see. That would give us confidence. Until they all live up to their fancy bios. . Pfffftttttt. Show us YOUR money! Working for free part time bla bla bla Save it! SHOW US YOUR MILLIONS IN INVESTMENT. 5 months and not 1 dime commited by the BoD in a PR? Next!