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03/28/21 1:23 PM

#218722 RE: gimmegimmeminemine #218696

"What good would it do now if the uplist is on hold?"

it would make kblb look cleaner and leaner and give it a higher wont change kblb's actual financial or economic situation but it will be perceived by future investors as looking much better on paper...

kblb, with this loan, will now have over 1 bil shares outstanding with a pps of .16...thats a ton of shares at a very low pps...not a good look...

after a 1-10 r/s, kblb will have 100 mil shares o/s with a pps of $1.60...its a better look...especially if kblb can manage stay in that neighborhood after the split and perhaps eventually start working its way up from there...THAT would be great...

an otc stock with 100 mil o/s with a pps that is rising from production, sales and growth is something that may attract on nasdaq all the wonderful things that everyone thought they could previously (with the huge offering) but were really never going to...

on a side note, i suspect maxim has been herding kim in the direction he is now headed but kim has been resisting...but kim has come to realize that nothing he had hoped for is working out...there was likely zero interest in his offering by any large investors...the production and contract pr's did nothing much to help the pps...and contrary to popular belief, a mass production pr wasnt to going fair much i had been hammering away at for the last year, there was too much bs hanging over this stock in the form of r/s, offerings and up list...

"It would be a guess at best at the ratio needed to ensure a price point to eventually uplist."

no guessing need to worry about an up list at all...just do a 1-10, get the o/s down to 100 mil and the pps to $ the business and let the rise in pps take you where you need to go...

"But that's years away without another offering."

i disagree...but whatever...there should be no hurry, and no timelines to worry about...

"I'm hoping kim scraps the whole idea and announces it until possibly a later date when this company is making product and has atleast another significant contract. Some time down the road when an uplist sounds reasonable because the company is actually established and making revenue."

that too would be my preference...

"dont see any benefit for a RS at this time."

it would not be completely unreasonable...but later is better imo...

"What am I missing?"

the fact that there really is no great time for a r/s...they kinda suck no matter when you do it...some say its best to rip that band aid off quickly and others say to do it slowly...

6 of one and half dozen of the IS best to take it off for sure...HOW is simply a matter of choice...

"Just to raise the share price over a dollar to attract more investors?"

even if that were the only reason, its a good enough reason all by itself...

and before anyone starts pouring over my previous posts, a HUGE r/s and a HUGE money grab while the company was dead broke and had NO production would not have attracted any investors...

but kblb is now in a position where they have enough cash to see them thru mass production...they do have some ANNOUNCED production...the r/s would be a more normal 1-10 and the loan is for a much more reasonable $4 mil...

big difference between now and then...and what kim is now doing is what i was advocating for back then...

"I suppose but I would rather see it after a substantial revenue stream is in place."

cant argue against that...

"A RS without revenue is a bad look."

a reasonable opinion...