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03/26/21 11:45 PM

#155056 RE: Dieselpro #155042

Just looking at current reality, I see no protocol submission, EUA was denied as they need to run another trial, I see nothing about philippines or any of the many countries they've pursued. Yep, looking around the picture is clear this drug is going nowhere. Fox isn't even giving nader his 5 minute plug segments anymore. I see no coverage anywhere. I see a goofy phase 2 50 person trial that hasn't even filled after over a month. I mean seriously all I hear about are these desperate longhaulers and they can't find 50 people to fill their little trial? Suspicious. Yeah, not seeing much evidence. What I am seeing however is a stock coming dangerously close to breaking it's last major support and a company rapidly running out of funds with a shelf of 250 million new shares to pull from. The evidence my friend does not paint a good picture. Fantasy looks great, reality, not so much.