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03/26/21 7:11 PM

#68403 RE: lucky, mydog #68402

Well, the language in that document suggests there will be a meeting and saying “May” get revoked. Sounds like a chance, but you say there aren’t any? So strange. Why would the terminology in that document just not say ecos failed and will be revoked?
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03/26/21 10:49 PM

#68406 RE: lucky, mydog #68402

Certainly seems that way. But I'll hold my shares to the very end anyway as it's just too strange that ECOS doesn't have money for filings when LRS has partial ownership of the company.

I'll take a couple of pure speculative guesses here.

1) Maybe LRS wanted a combination manufacturing/distribution agreement for the machines and could never get that. Maybe that's why we never saw them purchase more than the first machine, even though the lengthy agreement with ECOS allowed them to get 5% more shares of the company with each unit purchased, up to 8 machines I think, giving them an option to then gain control. (I haven't read the agreement in a while so I forget the details)

2) Or, maybe they still want the deal to go through and all the insiders are trying to accumulate as many shares as possible from small investors, before they actually flip the switch into a full RM agreement.

Either of those options wouldn't surprise me!

I never discount anything anymore in the OTC as I've seen a dozen+ trip 1 stocks, that were left for dead for years, and then "magically" came to life out of nowhere, for monster size runs.

I'm going down with the ship on this one! Of course, I am riding free shares at this point. Just my opinion; not investment advice.