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03/26/21 6:42 PM

#155015 RE: misiu143 #155009

Possibility of immunosuppression is a reason for it.

Do you have a link to back that up? The Mayo Clinic believes that immunosuppression isn't a concern. They are specifically talking about lenzilumab. My guess is any link you provide will be about anti-GM-CSF drugs in general and not lenz specifically. We already know there are immunosuppression concerns with otilimab. If other anti-GM-CSF drugs do cause immunosuppression and lenz doesn't, this would be even more reason why lenz could become the anti-GM-CSF drug of choice for Covid.

I realize that leron and lenz aren't in direct competition at this point. Leronlimab has failed in mild, moderate, and severe patients. Critical is all they have left. Lenz is going to be used for severe patients very soon as Durrant has said that frontline data will come in March. And then lenz could be used at earlier and earlier stages of Covid as more equipment to detect GM-CSF gets built.