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03/25/21 10:16 AM

#218479 RE: qazart #218478

This is the defense?

Do you think Webslinger would spend so much time making lengthy lists of things "not to forget" if there wasn't anything to string together?



03/25/21 10:52 AM

#218490 RE: qazart #218478

1) Overstating what is going on--making it seem better than it is.

You do not get a long term rising market cap from over stating reality.

Every modicum of progress is described as a milestone. (the slew of PRs re the selection and "seating" of the board come to mind)

Every company is required to PR selection of appointments to the BOD. You do not go from extremely strong/desirable Spider Silk properties to production by any single logistical advancement. You do not do the impossible with nothing but small steps. What is chosen to be seen/expressed says little about KBLB and the task of getting to production of SS.

2) Not addressing bad news upfront ("cold weather killed the worms" and "chief scientist that achieved 'pure' spider silk leaving two months ago" comes to mind)

They should have handled genetic drift internally. It should have never been stated IMO. Problems come up, you deal with them. It is a small company so everyone plays CEO, but on the 2nd issue, you are right. If hiring someone is PR worthy, so is their departure. It looks like he is still a consultant, but I still don't know if he is gone full time yet. In addition, if he completed what he was hired to do, then that is a cold reality of the business world, but that is a different point.

3)Throwing news out that seems like a good deal has been made with some company but in reality, it is just an MOU or a $250k instead of $40 mil.

Announce production and this is a nothing burger.

4) Not following up on past "announcements." (Whatever happened to pure ["okay maybe just 35%"] spider silk? Or the acreage in Texas? Or expansion into S Korea and other places? Or the Army contract? etc. etc.)

You mean 99% Spider Silk? Texas is still providing Michigan with food per filings. Expansion needs funded. The Army contract paid out part of the full amount. Returns will come with production, but the research was completed and the research relationship ended.


03/25/21 11:03 AM

#218491 RE: qazart #218478

So some of us now think there is no point in being overly optimistic

No risk of being overly optimistic or seeing any reasons for optimism, based on the posts. Only down, down, down. Concern, caution, fear.

Do you think Webslinger would spend so much time making lengthy lists of things "not to forget" if there wasn't anything to string together?

Yes, Yes I do think Web would still spend the time only reminding us of past challenges. Notice how there is never, EVER, any indication of anything that would point to some sort of progress being made? Doesn't seem odd?

So the real question is: Given this track record, whence comes this undying optimism and endless positive spins that GM worms in Vietnam are spinning spider silk like nobody's business and a metric ton (or pick your own sizeable amount) is right around the corner?

What part of looking at increased staffing, increased production inputs and accelerated production timelines leads one to believe "undying optimism" is required to feel like the company is progressing? It's not "spin" to view that information as signs of the company moving forward. I don't need them to say "we've done it!" to feel confident they are continuing production RIGHT NOW.

When did I ever say a metric ton is right around the corner?

As for overstating milestones met, I think only time will tell. Without production it's hard to judge knock in/knock out, disease resistant worms, mulberry advancements, etc as unimportant, only that their importance has not been fully realized yet because we are still waiting on production news.

We are all waiting for production. I'm not willing to assume I will be endlessly disappointed.

The burden of proof has, unfortunately, switched from the doubters to the koolaide drinkers (formerly known as hopeful believers).

why don't doubters have any burden of proof? Anyone can sit and say "they haven't told us yet so nothing has happened." "I need every nugget of information spelled out for me in writing in triplicate before I will accept its existence". I've already said those that wait will be more assured of success and likely be buying at higher prices. Why is that so hard to understand?

don't see the value in going further down the rabbit hole of name calling, other than I guess it must make you feel good to try and belittle others. Your pessimism should go unchallenged but, if challenged, those doing so are only drinking the kool aid and have not done any DD outside of this board, read the information available from a different perspective and see reasons for some optimism going forward.

I don't/haven't ever proclaim all is right with the world, there are no challenges ahead, we are in blue sky territory. Try reading the actual posts vs just piling on with some sort of preconceived notion of thinking you know what I believe. I've said the path forward will not be straight but believe it will be forward. There have been and will be challenges but I think the 10+ years of waiting will be rewarded with the eventual success. Is not guaranteed. People should not invest more than they are comfortable losing. There is risk.

I don't invest in penny stocks to cross my arms and pound away on anyone that thinks the stock I'm invested in might eventually be successful. Guess that's just me.