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03/25/21 9:42 AM

#2418 RE: Coppatop #2417

It's a crazy ride and NFT attracted the wrong sort of investors. Twitter is not due diligence. HOFV has exclusive NFT for the NFL. HOFV is not NFT. HOFV is going to explode once the post their revenues in the fall. The market was adjusting upward for that expectation before the idiot crypto swarm. It doesn't make sense for me to say anything bad about a company I'm actually still heavily invested in... but I'm long term. And I'm honest. HOFV is heavily stacked to win. If you have a 99% chance of making 2x of your money in 1 year... or a 0.1% chance of making 10x your money, YOU SHOULD TAKE THE MORE CERTAIN BET! You've trusted hocus pocus. You've trusted "your gut." Try something new; trust math. Read the corporate guidance for new investors!


03/25/21 10:33 AM

#2419 RE: Coppatop #2417

Whoops. That wasn't meant to be a reply to coppatop! LOL sorry.