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03/25/21 4:17 AM

#57707 RE: interloper #57705

I have a reply for happy hour.

Be ready to hit the beach!!

oh, here it it is....

Thank you for all you do here. I do know that you're looking for the perfect pinch set ups.

Thing is, they happen VERY rarely

they're caught rarely.

I'm Virginia Beach. Can't see straight half the time but i'm here. A game of golf & and some screen time would be be great, have a spare room. 6 miles from the beach. This isn't something you learn over night. My daily trading Vs.s my intra day has been challenging. But I do have a weekend for training (always willing to learn), let me know if you want to get together.


03/25/21 7:55 AM

#57708 RE: interloper #57705

I'll tell you straight up. When I plug some of the tickers you guys post here they are far from being a pinch. Days away maybe. But not there yet.

This doesn't have to be a debate, simple really. I see a POTENTIAL play and I share it. NO, IT'S NOT always the bottom and ready to explode. That is what "PUT IT ON RADAR" is all about. IF you choose to put it on your list.

My latest calls,

GNSS .35 jump from my post.
WPG 3.79 to 4.72.
SONN MOST Definitely was a pincher. 2.17 to 2.60.

I could go on. We're SUPOSSED to be in this together. I "see" what I see. and I wouldn't be green in both of my accounts by 40% already this year if i was losing.