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03/24/21 8:02 PM

#237546 RE: bladerunner1717 #237536

The data are good amd support continuing drug beyond one year. Perhaps some are disappointed that a quarter of responders will stop therapy at week 52 and 30 percent at 2 years above and beyond the non responders at one year.
It’s a very large market though so still seems like it could sell pretty well. However short of major surgery or even laparoscopy they are still going up against
Oral contraceptives
Progesterone IUDs
Uterine artery embolization
Lupron (not a great long term option admittedly)
Other GnRh antagonists
Hysteroscopy (resection from below no incisions home same day back to normal activity next day). Most often it is the intracavitary fibroid or portion thereof (“submicous” that causes heavy bleeding from fibroids.
Ablation procedures?

Some GYNs may have more to gain offering some of these alternatives.

I don’t follow the company and haven’t practiced any gynecology since my residency in the mid 90s so take it fwiw