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03/23/21 2:48 PM

#58531 RE: somanymike #58530

Well thats quite the way to run a business that is successful and making money, bleed it dry. Thats what I was afraid of, it would be nice if JB wanted to just make it a legitimate business with solid fundamentals and make millions that way....


03/23/21 2:57 PM

#58534 RE: somanymike #58530

Now please keep in mind I'm a rather uninterested party on this topic as I sold the vast majority of my holdings in UBQU some time ago at a rather lucrative profit. That a few here can verify as I was fairly constant in my postings here as a former Moderator.

But, I do think it's important to make mention of a few important points.

1) Your past historical information may be 100% correct, I had no financial interest in UBQU at the time and have no information to confirm it or dispute it. BUT
2) As to your point of the issuance of new shares at that time, that is simply not allowed at the moment. I would refer you to FINRA regulations in which it is clearly stated that before any new stocks may be issued, any Merger (forward or reverse), R/S or even new contract. The company must be CURRENT with BOTH the SEC and its State of Incorporation. There are no exceptions. So in regard to current PPS movement, good or bad, it in no way is the result of any new loans or Share Disbursements.
3) You made mention of the SEC not caring or investigating. That in the past was basically true in the OTCBB. However, due in large part to consumer complaints. The SEC did last year make significant and REAL changes to that as you may read at the following link

I want to close by making clear this message is not intended in a negative manner whatsoever. Instead simply as a FACT based response to your posting. As I said, though I still hold a very small position in UBQU it is so insignificant that my only interest in this ticker is in the few on this board I call friends and hope to see do well here and with all trades. I simply wanted to make the point that while the history of this ticker may be exactly as you described. It does not have any bearing on the present. What does matter is the company status in filing both with the State of Incorporation and SEC. Those issues must be addressed per the new regulations. But no trader has any information whatsoever as to whether any filings are in progress or even being discussed inside the company itself or with State Officials, FINRA or the SEC.

Best Regards and I hope you have great success in all your trades, whether UBQU or any other ticker!! GLTY