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03/21/21 10:05 PM

#24714 RE: Worthwalk #24710

The float on this stock is not that much relatively speaking, perhaps a hundred and twenty million share, so there's not that many people selling and buying and with this small float the price moves around a fair amount on little bits of gossipy news! Quite a few of us long-term shareholders here try to keep in mind the bigger story and since we each have millions of shares and we sell very little and often buy on dips.


03/22/21 12:22 AM

#24716 RE: Worthwalk #24710

Nah most of us are holding big-time shares and maybe trading a bit around the edges, for instance when it went up to 55 cents, maybe I sold 50K shares total from 34 cents on up, that's chickenfeed. No man we are holding for the big kahuna, it's coming, we just don't know exactly when. If Ward can wait for decades without being able to sell a single share and dirt poor having to borrow to keep moving forward, we can too. Ignore the rumors, trade around a little if you want, buy on pullbacks, but mostly just be patient and focus on other endeavors if you get weary.


03/22/21 8:06 AM

#24722 RE: Worthwalk #24710

There's been plenty of opportunities for anyone to sell (at a profit) if they wanted to over the last few months. Fragile buying? Hmm I don't know about that, on the last runup the share price went up over 100% from mid Feb to mid March on decent volume.

The reason predictions are off is a combination of things but mainly due to the uncertainty of Mexico and how they conduct business down there.

Obviously there is risk here especially when the future of the company is dependent on getting the green light from Mexico.

People have to weigh the potential upside with their tolerance for risk.


Jersey boy ash

03/22/21 2:15 PM

#24736 RE: Worthwalk #24710

To jonsmile's earlier post it's exactly what you were asking read whosjongalt's post, he posted earlier today and he basically explained he sold today half his position cause he bought last week and was up a lot, this is how penny land works not everyone wants or cares about the grand slam like some of us are waiting for !!! Some are happy with the double