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03/20/21 9:52 PM

#50121 RE: snpwfan #50114

I think some on the other side want unrealistic things to happen, like never using plastic again starting tomorrow or some shit.
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03/20/21 9:53 PM

#50122 RE: snpwfan #50114

Regard the $SNPW MedRecycle-RI battle for the truth....During the 1980s I went and got neck deep into industrial hygiene, drinking water, recycling, waste and hazardous waste, Nuclear waste, and Toxic waste treatment and disposal, recycling, redesigning processes to make less waste, no waste or re-usable waste and I have likely forgotten more than the combined average knowledge base of everyday people about the entire subject.

People fear what they do not understand.

If the people you mentioned knew what I know about the dangers lurking in the closet and under the bed, they would likely go mad in fear of anything and everything around them......

The story is the best single link example of the problem I have ever seen. The dangers of Di-hydrogen Monoxide are real.

Table salt, Sodium Chloride is one the most toxic substances known to man. Yet it is on the dinner table.

It is toxic and it is used to preserve and cure meat, beef jerky, because if is toxic....It can kill a slug in seconds.

I went through all of this nonsense in the early 1990s, during the grocery bag wars, Plastic versus Paper bag wars. I could write a book on it. The grocery shoppers and environmentalists (some favored paper , others plastic) went toe to toe while the Oil company-plastics firms and Paper Industry made everyday Karens into Pawns during the war.

The push for plastic trash bags was to save a tree.

The push for paper trash bags claims were that they were better for the environment, bio-degrade-able, and sustainable.

The grocers backed plastic to save money, but they never told the public.

The ad industry and Journalists loved the story, it sold paper newspapers LOL

Then a geologist minded a landfill and found a perfect condition 1970's newspaper in a land fill excavation study that was 30 years old and still readable. LOL. So much bio-degradation in the landfill story.

I was born for this MedRecycle-Vs-Karen's battle.


40 years, a book I still have my personal engineering library on toxic substances and the hazards(old school, real books) listed the peanut fungus (on 1 in 1000 peanuts) bio-toxin from the fungus, in pure form as the potent toxin known to man.

But let raise hell and CO2 from a plant turning waste into energy that will produce 10 mines for electric power CO2 molecule in the exhaust, that a dirty coal fired power plant.

Lawyers (Dowe Cheatem Andhows) make a killing off of of fueling the fears of the ignorant masses that have too much money, and no clue what they should really be afraid of, like the radioactive radon gas in the shower that causes lung cancer, from the onsite water well no one talks about, monitors or tests.....