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03/19/21 5:11 AM

#140248 RE: Dapper10 #140246

You’re statements are false and slanderous. New investors should always do their own research and weigh the pros and cons of any trade/investment. In the end, it’s their choice and does not warrant any action towards a company that is in its infancy and viewed as a long term hold by many. It’s either those that have lost money day trading this or who actually want it to stay depressed that speak negatively about the company.


03/19/21 9:09 AM

#140254 RE: Dapper10 #140246

Point out where the company has made a statement NOT statements regarding the PPS particularly. When ones post on the Klickzie ARknet Founders Group Board if someone even tries to begin a discussion about the share price they are told that the subject is off topic and not allowed. So even the premise of pulling any PPS mark out of the air is flat out Bullshit.

The comedy comes in when trying to make a loose claim of a scam with zero evidence in support thereof.