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Da Kine 17

03/18/21 9:53 PM

#367802 RE: SoxFan #367797

Yes... CONFIRMED and that is not my opinion. These are the confirmation sources:
(And... there’s no way you even bothered looking at any of it)

Director of National Intelligence
-John Ratcliffe

Former acting Director National Intelligence
-Richard Grenell

United States Deputy Attorney General
-Sally Yates

Attorney General
-William Barr

Chair of the House Intelligence Committee
-Devin Nunes

Office of the Inspector General of the United States, Obama appointee
-Michael Horowitz

Constitutional attorney who literally wrote the book exposing DOJ corruption, author of
“License to Lie”
-Sidney Powell

Former senior editor at The Weekly Standard and current senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, author of
“The plot against the President”
-Lee Smith

Former secret service agent
-Dan Bongino

American politician from Colorado, who represented the state's sixth congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 1999 to 2009 as a Republican. He ran for President of the United States during the 2008 election, and was the Constitution Party's unsuccessful nominee for Governor of Colorado in 2010
-Tom Tancredo

And many others...

“The DOJ’s Office of Inspector General on Tuesday said in a report it still has a “lack of confidence” in the FBI’s FISA procedures. Horowitz’s office found errors in all of the 29 FISA applications it reviewed during an audit as follow-up to an investigation of the bureau’s illegal spying of Carter Page.
Horowitz previously admonished the FBI for making “17 significant errors and inaccuracies” when it sought and obtained a total of four FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.
The OIG released a report on Tuesday revealing the FBI’s FISA abuse is still a widespread ongoing problem.”

“DNI John Ratcliffe declassified and released documents revealing former CIA Director John Brennan briefed Barack Obama on Hillary Clinton’s plot to ‘stir up’ a scandal to tie Trump to Russia in order to distract from her email scandal ahead of the 2016 election.”

“... the Clinton campaign was trying to falsely associate Russia with the so-called hack of DNC computers. CIA Director John Brennan shared the intelligence with President Obama. They knew, in other words, that the DNC was conducting false Russian flag operation against the Trump campaign...”

The world can survive a few criminals and con-artists in our midst.
But, when the criminality has been institutionalized in our society, in our courts, in our media, in our monetary system, in our DOJ, in our government and worst of all, in our LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS,
a certain inevitability becomes agonizingly clear.

This harbinger has arrived, it’s time for EVERYONE to get involved.

Full documentary: