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03/17/21 2:32 PM

#49924 RE: jetlife84 #49921

It's a fair point and I don't necessarily disagree with any of that.... Furthermore, I agree that until we have the details, we don't know how good it is.

What I don't agree with ( not that you're saying it) is that they're don't something wrong by not telling us more than they have at this time.

It's a risk, as investing is. My chips are in the middle and I am betting that Nick is legit, that Chase news is legit, UL is coming, Durango is coming, etc. I do not begrudge anyone who doesn't love the uncertainty or thinks it's too much of a risk, that's why I get my shares for cheap in the first place!

What I do take issue with, though is the idea that they have information that they could disclose but aren't disclosing. Any penny stock, whether a pure pump or a legit business... is going to put good news out there when they can. SNPW has specifically said that there's a lot of good stuff they're looking forward to informing us about when they can. Any suggestion that they're not informing us of what they can is predicated on the idea that they're completely lying to us. That's fine to have as an opinion, but then it doesn't make sense to be here investing in the company. There was some guy on Reddit saying that he invested in the company but that Nick is ssuper-shady. To put it nicely, that mess needs to go through pyrolysis, because it's pure waste. If you have those kind of problems with the company, then don't invest, and then there's no problem!


03/17/21 8:50 PM

#49933 RE: jetlife84 #49921

Could it be that owner who has dealerships in Louisiana and Texas, the same guy who is connected to dealerships for Cat in Ohio as well. The same guy that gives my uncle a huge ring everytime the San Antonio Spurs wins the Basketball Championship? So that Cat dealer is no pussy cat. He can roar with the big bad cats.


03/18/21 2:20 PM

#49979 RE: jetlife84 #49921

Shesh, local Chase banks do not do ad's on their own. Let's get real here, it would be JP Morgan Chase Ad's through the firm Nick Hired, doing a standard nation wide type ad approved by headquarters.

Helps to have 50 years of real world business experience to cut to the




03/18/21 11:04 PM

#50036 RE: jetlife84 #49921

I have lost way more money on Big board stocks and NASDAQ stocks in 40 years, than I care to recall that died.

Were they scams?

I am in one .05/stock that has been in business for 20 years and has had profitable financials.

I bought one in 2014 that went sub penny and is now profitable on OTCQB at close to $2/share for 4-5 years now.

I bought a dead broke/failed one in 2009 that R/M and uplisted to Nasdaq in 2010, and those shares (I kept some) are up 1200% , a biotech, it was dead OTC stick in 2009 at .001

I have more I bought on OTC survive and do well, than Nasdaq stocks. About 15 Nasdaq stocks I bought and held for a while in the last 12 years are dead, permanently.

SNPW is not a scam. It has passed the Valley of death battle stage.

No place to go but up from here.

By the way the entire market got hammered today (except for 4-5 of my picks, one was up 74% today on 500 Mil shares traded).