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03/17/21 4:55 AM

#367539 RE: Da Kine 17 #367538

Da Kine 17, You know absolutely nothing about my confidence. You have no idea at all whether i
lack it. Or have too much of it. Or if i have that particular attribute roughly in a healthy balance.

You have no idea of me at all. That's right, isn't it. And gotta say your arrogance in saying

"Your confidence is way ahead of your competence."

clearly says more negative about you than anything at all about me.

It's bullshit gaslighting for one. Coincidentally we have just dealt with that too, here

You picked it. "The best description that fits your posting is gaslighting....

As to your sources Barr? Has there ever been an AG more subservient
to his president, until he realized if he didn't jump he could never recover.

Nunes not credible at all. M. Horowitz mix and match. Sidney Powell?(*()(&&^!!! LOLOL Search the board on all of those three for a start.

Now i'll stop for my night to give you time to read. Most importantly also to reconsider your attitude and your approach to this board.


03/17/21 10:46 AM

#367545 RE: Da Kine 17 #367538

wow that's a who's who of Trump sycophants - Radcliff, Barr, and Grenell as of yesterday's release of the National Security report of Russian meddling of the 2020 election proved those three people lied about China interfering in those elections and they knew it.

Still waiting for the Kraken from disgraced Sidney Powell.

Tom Tancredo? Isn't he trying to prevent Sharia law from taking over our legal system - what a kook.

Dan Bogino? Didn't he accuse Rod Rosenstein of a coup attempt? Isn't he one of the idiots who started Parlar?

Devin Nunes I guess is still having a problem suing everyone including his cows.

You're nuts