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Dragon Lady

03/16/21 12:30 PM

#33922 RE: Big Momma #33921

Maybe they'll post a photo so we can see what he looks like.

It's possible - one will need to comb Google etc for his arraignment etc.

Some savvy OC reporter (L.A. Times or OC Register are the few big newspapers left) may pick up the story as Irvine is home to UC Irvine and a big "planned community" area and home to a lot of high tech, etc.

I'll ping a LA Times reporter I know from way back in the day (Pulitzer winner) he loves business and stock scam stuff - see if he'll pick the story up and run with it.

Just Google the perps name and this stock ticker etc for the next few weeks and we'll see if they get a photo of him up.

Wondering if he was some "lifer student" at UCI LOL !!!

Mommy and daddy paying for his "college" for 9 years like Animal House while he's "working" on running OTC scams and socking away a $million plus!

Wait till the FEDS put the IRS on his sorry ass - you think a guy as dumb as this brick has been filing proper tax returns for SHORT TERM STOCK CAPITAL GAINS as a freaking day trader and PROMOTER OF TRASH LOL ??

IRS is 100X worse than SEC - they stalk and haunt a person literally TILL DEATH !!! I've seen it once in my life with a friend's parent I knew real well- IRS followed him literally to the grave.

This clown Fassari or whatever his real name is - he so much as flips a McDonalds burger in his future and the IRS will be waiting for their "cut" and with penalties and interest = it's a hole and pit all the way to hell that one never digs out of.

He's screwed to put it mildly :)