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03/12/21 9:18 AM

#44198 RE: Stonem #44197

You still are newbie totally to OTC world !!

You are clueless in the world of 10 minute patience peeps of OTC !!!!


03/12/21 9:24 AM

#44199 RE: Stonem #44197

That’s a pipe dream, a R/S rarely brings value to a common shareholder. First of all, a R/S that doesn’t apply to the authorized share count is a huge indication of dilution. All it does is knock out the value held by common share holders and opens the gates for dilution since the gap between the common shares and authorized has been renewed. It’s also possible to apply the R/S to the authorized share count, only to raise the authorized share count shortly after. One whiff of a R/S and the current share price will fall at least 50 percent. As I previously mentioned, sounds like you haven’t experienced a R/S in the otc yet?


03/12/21 9:43 AM

#44211 RE: Stonem #44197

They will have to do a R/S to uplist to Nasdaq. They need a $4 share price to get there, and the current O/S is too big to support that price. Toxic scamming companies do an R/S to dilute more shares. Good companies R/S to strengthen their SS and add flexibility to their asset base for acquisition. Too many peeps get the two mixed up and paint good companies with the bad or visa versa. You never lose your money in an R/S, only the share denominator changes. If you had 10 one dollar bills, what has changed if you change to a $10 bill?