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03/12/21 9:58 PM

#92514 RE: planetaryfuture #92513

Mexico’s Move To Greenlight Marijuana May Pressure Biden .....

One notices a conscious effect emerging from this historic moment !!!

Why do so many seemingly "hard-headed uninformed individuals" continue to flail against the multi-thousand-year positive history of cannabis-hemp ? ...... Are they simply too lazy to become serious and study the issue ? ..... or just "functionally obtuse" ..... seduced by the seeming knee-jerk "gateway theory" ...... when their own mother's "birth canal" ..... appears to be ..... clearly and truly ..... the "primary gateway" ..... into our multi-dimensional world ..... of individual choices !!! .....

Why do seeming "political cults" demand obedience to their particular strain of dogma ? ..... and continue to rail against electorate sentiment !!! ? .....

And when will stock ticker RIGH hatch a sound "bread-and-butter plan" to prosper for both loyal Investor's and Corporate interest's !!! ? .....

Mexico’s Move To Greenlight Marijuana May Pressure Biden

Best Wishes