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03/11/21 3:44 PM

#351787 RE: sox040713 #351785

I don't believe ANYTHING put out by BP regarding CV19. They haven't done jack squat to now and I don't believe they are on the virge of coming up with a new drug all of a sudden that will be able to come anywhere CLOSE to being the total package that is BRILACIDIN.

I don't trust their data, anything to do with anti-bodies, and feel they just throw this **** up against the wall to try and validate the hundreds of millions thrown their way.

So any talk of something new coming down the pike falls on my deaf ears.

To those in medicine I probably look like a complete idiot, but it is what it is and I am not changing my outlook.

To me, BP cures NOTHING. They just treat symptoms so you get hooked on their drugs for the rest of your life. I believe many upper mgt types in BP deserve to be in jail for decades. Nothing to back that up, just my view.


03/11/21 3:45 PM

#351788 RE: sox040713 #351785

Those impressive results were when it was used preemptively on patients early in the infection lifecycle (mild/early COVID).

Their trial for the same drug in hospitalized patients was was stopped a couple weeks ago because it was not benefiting patients (from the article you posted):

"Enrollment in a separate study into the effectiveness of VIR-7831 in hospitalized patients was stopped last week after the National Institutes of Health said the treatment may not benefit patients."

The problem with VIR-7831 is that it is too expensive to use on the cases where it helps a lot. It is ineffective in the hospital setting where the cost MIGHT have been justified.

I don't see VIR-7831 getting much use outside of heads of state and billionaires.