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03/11/21 10:22 AM

#152391 RE: Monroe1 #152385

Great job, Monroe! I'm actually running pretty hard myself, the wife and kids have been chasing me all week yelling "Two bucks a share for saltwater? We coulda' had Tesla at $600!"
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03/11/21 11:11 AM

#152406 RE: Monroe1 #152385

Looks like the capitulation point may be passing.
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03/11/21 4:26 PM

#152467 RE: Monroe1 #152385

Thank you for this information Monroe.

I have also posted in the past regarding ones diet and chances for developing severe symptoms (or even catching) covid. The real pandemic in America is the food that is allowed to be consumed in our country. We do not need a vaccine. This has been orchestrated from the beginning (one of the reason CYDY never had a chance of approval last year).

If you break the data down even further, you will find that countries whose diets are based off of rice, veggies, and seafood are at a lot lower risk to contract and die from covid.

The countries that consume the majority of grains, in particular wheat, will have the highest death rates. Gluten causes systemic inflammation and reduces immune function PERIOD

If the FDA really cared about us this fact would be hanging in the elementary schools instead of the food pyramid.

The FDA's real concern is approving drugs from BP that create lifelong addicts from cradle to grave. They do not want any drug that cures. The system is set up for us to be a constant ATM machine for BP.

The food we consume makes all the difference and is our best defence moving forward against any new virus (nature made or man made).

Ultimately we are each responsible for what we put into our bodies. You would not dump a bag of sugar into your vehicle and expect much right???

Cars were made for gas, and we were made for certain 'fuel' as well. It is actually amazing that we can abuse ourselves as much as we do and still are able to recover from it given the right fuel.

Vaccines would not be necessay if our food was better quality. But, the vaccines are there for many reasons, one of which is to ultimately decide who can use what transportation for example. They have already been doing this in communist China using a social credit score. Here it will be based on if you have received a vaccine. Makes me wonder what is in it...