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03/10/21 10:49 PM

#25076 RE: cfoofme #25075

Sorry to hear that my best friend I grew up together like you a lifetime friend. His brother just retired late last year. Found out he had lung cancer. Went for kimo treatments caught COVID 19 in the hospital and died. My friend could not even go to his brothers funeral because of COVID no flights out of Alberta Canada to the States I guess. And both of them have not been able to get a COVID Shot Yet.


03/11/21 2:34 PM

#25098 RE: cfoofme #25075

No one I know that was taking Vit D-3, 5000-10,000 IU/day and 50 Mg/day of zinc died of Covid19.

One was about to have a kidney and the tumor on it removed in surgery, got Covid19, eat it in 5-6 days after the symptoms started, and had surgery 2 weeks later, and as of 2 days ago is off of all pain meds and doing great.

I and my friends, most of whom followed my advice, only had 3-6 rough days then 2-4 days of getting back to feeling normal (had to eat and build the body strength, energy and so on levels back up).

Sorry to hear you lost a long time friend.

"I lost my high school/lifetime friend to Covid last week. They had him on ivermectin & remdeathisnear. Sad."

With out knowing if your friend had serious underlying health issues, it is hard to know ..... But one data set I found 10 months ago showed zero death rate if the Vit D-3 Blood level was high enough, and that was a 60 year average age data set, and if the blood Vit D-3 was at the CDC min rec level 85% died, 15% lower 100% died.

I do not need others to peer review that data for me, I peer reviewed it myself.

Why the CDC / FDA continues to hide and not push that news on TV every day with Mask updates is criminal IMHO, and it is obviously about protecting 20% of the US drug and medical hospital economy complex money machine.

LOL "rem-death-is-near" I just caught it.