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03/10/21 6:55 AM

#72875 RE: hawkshaw812 #72874

Hawkshaw: Contact Bob Reynolds and ask what the heck he's playing at. FLPC is finished and so they've moved on to XTM who are assuming they Fencemaker will be theirs to Mine. It could also be that the Phone number for FLPC is disconnected but I don't know for sure. They won't. Silver Bell have gotten wise to their methods so that land will be unavailable to anyone on X2M or FLPC ever again. Take what remains of your holding before they shut it down. Don't fall for X2M. Because if X2M ever appears on the SEC, or anywhere else, I will make sure that everyone know the history so they don't get screwed!

I may be able to answer any other queries you may have. My knowledge is very good on this company and I can put together quite a lot of info. Essentially, with the way that FLPC has traded for over 11 years, they've really had everyone going. A very big shame. They have no scruples and no morals about who they con. It's very obvious now but it has to me, been very obvious for years?

I'm done with writing to Reynolds as he always writes a lot but says nothing.

Good luck. CE