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03/09/21 5:35 PM

#103 RE: TuMaRu #102

Also, if you want to do apples-to-apples comparison, check out Apache corp, Hess, Talos Energy, Vermillion and others that operate in the international E&P space. Besides they would more than likely been acquired by now had the financials, operations, performance been of interest to a Conoco, Shell, Hess etc.

Some acquisitions in the recent past:
Diamondback merger with QEP (still pending ....!)
COP acquired Concho Resources (bottom barrel paid for shale acres)
Devon acquired WPX Energy
Chevron acquired Noble energy (gas fields off Israel)

and of course OXY acquired Anadarko Petroleum borrowing boatloads from Warren B., and paying a sky high price trying to outbid Chevron... OXY is run by such numbbuts its unbelievable